Tips for Decluttering and Organizing Your Senior Living Space

Keeping a clean space can be very challenging at times for a lot of people, especially for someone like me who works just about every day. One thing a lot of us fail to realize is just how difficult it gets as we age and lose the physical drive or desire to get up and tidy up. I want to help provide some tips from my experience with decluttering your senior living space for good!

Start with a Plan

Before you start clearing out the clutter, take a few minutes to plan out your organization strategy. Think about what items you use regularly, what you can live without, and where you’d like to store everything. Having a plan in place will make the process much smoother, and no, you do not still need those knick knacks from 1968.

Take It One Room at a Time

Trying to declutter and organize your entire living space all at once can be daunting. Instead, focus on one room at a time. This way, you can fully dedicate your energy and attention to each space, making the process feel less overwhelming.

Get Rid of What You Don’t Need

Now back to the Christmas décor from 1968, we all have items in our homes that we no longer use or need. Donate these items to a local charity or sell them at a yard sale. Getting rid of items you no longer need will free up space and give you a sense of accomplishment.

Invest in Storage Solutions

When it comes to organization, having the right storage solutions can make all the difference. Invest in shelving units, baskets, and containers to help keep your belongings in order. And don’t be afraid to get creative– using things like over-the-door organizers, under-the-bed storage boxes, and wall-mounted baskets can help you make the most of your space.

Make Use of Vertical Space

When it comes to organization, it’s important to make use of every inch of space you have. Use wall-mounted shelves, pegboards, and hooks to keep items off the floor and make use of vertical space. This can be especially helpful in our studio apartments.

Keep It Up

Decluttering and organizing your living space is a continuous process. Make an effort to keep your space tidy and organized on a daily basis. This will help you maintain your newly organized living space and avoid feeling cluttered and overwhelmed in the future.

Step into a Better Future at Pomeroy Living

Keeping your senior living space organized and clutter-free is a great way to improve your daily life. By following our tips and tricks, you’ll be able to create a comfortable, functional, and stress-free environment that you’ll love spending time in.

At Pomeroy Living, we understand the importance of a well-organized and tidy living space for seniors. That’s why we offer both assisted living and independent living options to meet the needs and preferences of our residents. Our assisted living communities provide seniors with the help they need for their day-to-day tasks, while our independent living options allow seniors to maintain their freedom and independence while still having a supportive community they can rely on.

If you’re interested in learning more about Pomeroy Living and the services we offer, visit our website today. We’re here to help you live your best life!

Manda Ayoub

Manda Ayoub

As the Chief Operating Officer, Manda brings over 30 years of health care experience to Pomeroy Living. Manda is responsible for the facilities operations, outcomes of the clinical team and ensuring regulatory compliance. Since joining Pomeroy Living in 2011, Manda has been instrumental in opening both of Pomeroy’s state-of-the-art assisted living communities - Pomeroy Living of Northville and Pomeroy Living Orion. She has implemented innovative health care initiatives that have successfully improved patient outcomes and the quality of care at both of Pomeroy’s skilled nursing facilities.